Tag Archive for: Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

Tonle Sap Lake

Tonle Sap or “The Great Lake” is the most important lake in Cambodia as well as the most extensive freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, supplies fishes to half of the country’s population. Officially listed in 1997 as World UNESCO biosphere reserve, this ecological site is the significant home for many species including rare endangered water-birds and its inhabitants whose lives rely on aquatic resources…

Battambang Post Office

The largest rice-bowl of Cambodia, Battambang truly emerges picturesque countryside while the colonial town remains French architecture, old yellow buildings and some of Angkorian temples are still in good condition including Banan and Ek Phnom temples. However, visiting Battambang, tourists never leave Battambang without experiencing the unique Bamboo train. Featured by the significant…